Friday, September 12, 2008

My Students!

Two weeks ago, I started teaching an art class to some of my friends' kids. I have 4 students all together - ranging from 12 to 9. We really have fun! They are doing super fabulous! 2 of them finished their paintings this week. The other two will most likely finish their next week.

Take a look at their masterpieces! Are they not awesome? I'm so proud!

M and his masterpiece monkey

Elizabeth and her flower - she painted her name on there all by herself!


Anonymous said...

They did awesome! You are doing a great job teaching also. Thanks for teaching the kids. They really enjoy it !

Melody said...

The paintings are great! I really miss painting...maybe I can join your class! (any discounts for sisters?)

Tina said...

Wow, your students are so talented and beautiful you should introduce me to them some time!