Thursday, August 14, 2008

Painting People

I painted this last summer for a close friend. I turned a picture of the girls into this painting. I gotta say though that the thing that makes this picture is the frame - it's adorable!

I did a picture for another close friend - it was the back of her son and his little dog looking out the window. Silly me forgot to take a picture...*cough*.

I haven't mastered faces...they scare me. I'm pretty comfortable with the backs of people but faces-yikes!

This was my first attempt at a face. It ended up looking a lot like the original I was copying. I wasn't that nervous with this one though because it wasn't a real girl. No one would know if the eyes and nose weren't quite right. I was creating my own person instead of reproducing the looks of a real person. Does that even make sense? Oh well, you get the idea.

I tried faces again last winter. I cheated this time though - I didn't have to do eyes because of sunglasses. =) Yes, I know it's weird for a painting to have sunglasses on. That's okay though because I wanted to see if I could do the rest of the facial features. I'll build up to the full thing.

This is the picture I copied - it's me and my sister in Cozumel, Mexico.

This is how the painting turned out. It's okay. I definitely don't love it. I know it's my first attempt and I should be more lax in my judgement...yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm not planning on doing any faces for a while. I won't say never because I'll try it again but I'm not feeling it anytime in the near future.

Oh and so far, everyone who as seen it has asked who it is. No one has straight up recognized us. =(